ARC PMS3DPOLY 3D polylines

The entity Pms3dPoly is an Autocad object created to meet the needs of surveyors.
The characteristics of this entity assimilated to a polyline, are to have for each of the tops:

When entering a Pms3dPoly, a certain line type must be selected from the DWG header of the current drawing.
The graphic of this entity is generated from the description of the Autocad line types, according to the same principle as the LWPOLY.

Using a Pms3dPoly

input, command pms_poly

The cursor is in waiting mode for the next vertex, we see the future segment in elastic but without the map being visible.
pms_poly.jpg sp mode

  • modification, command pms_mod
    A yellow line appears connecting the cursor to the vertex being modified, the segment concerned appears attenuated.
    pms_mod.jpg edit mode

    Switching from :
  • entered flechegd.gifchange: move along Pms3dPoly;
  • flechedg.gifchange entry flechedg.gif: release;

  • WAY mode, W command in Edit modeThis
    mode allows to apply a shape or a function on a set of selected segments of the polyline
    pms_way.jpg modify mode
    Switching from :
  • change flechegd.gifMode Way : move along the Pms3dPoly >> end of selection ;
  • modification flechedg.gifMode Way : validation;

  • ENTRY OF A PMS3DPOLY (Command:pms_POLY)

    See also: pms_mod;spclavier; Pms3dPoly Overview

    To complete the entry, you must confirm.
    You can switch to edit mode at any time by pressing the arrow keys

    The options available in the input mode:
  • Arc: switch to real time smoothed arc input mode ;
  • ACcircle : enter an arc of a circle ;
  • Clore : close the Pms3dPoly ;
  • Owork: opens the Pms3dPoly ;
  • Ethickness: changes the current thickness;
  • Hauthor: changes the current height (visible in 3D view) ;
  • Z : gives an elevation for the top just entered (must be followed by 2 validations) ;
  • U cancels the last point entered;
  • XD To enter an XDATA in the PMS3D application.
    The XDATA are in code 1000 and of the form : NAME=VALUE ;
    Some XDATA act on the screen representation ; for example "#H=NOMHACHURE" which allows to generate Hachurages associated to PMS3DPOLY

  • This angle, in grade, defines the point at which the arc becomes a line. The value must be between 0 and 200 grades (0 will disable this function).


    See also: input;keyboard; Pms3dPoly Overview

    Polyline MODIFY


    See also: polyline entry

  • EndGo to the last vertex of the polyline + GO mode;
  • F_Left : Vertex Precedent ;
  • F_Right : Vertex Next + GO mode;
  • SHIFT Left Way mode (if already in GO mode)
  • BackSpace eliminates the previous vertex = Undo

  • F_Bottom Reverse the direction (Input or Way);
  • Delete Deletes the selected vertex or section


    See also : Modifying a PMS3DPOLY

    Reverse the direction of a sitig_poly


    pms_suit completes the reference polyline. Depending on whether you select it towards the beginning or the end, the continuation is done at the beginning or at the end.
    pms_RACCORDCreates a new polyline, perfectly hooked to the reference polyline.

    See also : Modifying a PMS3DPOLY

    Tracking a polyline


    This command allows you to convert Autocad entities to PMS3DPOLY and vice versa.

    PMS3DPOLY to Autocad entities
    : Pms3dPoly being generally richer than Autocad entities, you risk
    losing information. In all cases you lose the mapping of the entity.
    Three modes exist :
    - PMS3DPOLY >> LWPOLY : In this mode you lose the altitudes of the points and the heights.
    - PMS3DPOLY >> 3DPOLY (POLYLINE) : In this mode we lose the thicknesses and the ARCS.
    - Automatic >> Choose LWPOLY if all the Z points are identical to within 0.0001 meter Otherwise
    generate 3DPOLY .
    The 3DPOLY are not packaged. They occupy much more space than LWPOLY or PMS3DPOLY

    On these 3 Modes, it is possible to add Options :
    Option 'H' : Take into account the HATCHs. Thanks to this option, the associative "HATCH" hashes are createdOption 'T'
    : Take into account the Tefs. With this option, the PMS3DPOLY are exploded at each TEF change. The color declared by the "PMS_SetTefColor" function is taken into account.

    Other ways to generate AUTOCAD entities are
    :- The save --.DWG V12 .
    - The Decompose Function .
    - The PROXY entities

    Entering PMS3DPOLY ENTITIES according to a template (command: pms_PAS)

    We refer to a particular entity to start the entry according to the same model

    Height and width assignment (command: pms_PLH)

    Hatching generation
    It is possible to Hatch closed surfaces. This
    XDATA "*H=" can be entered when entering or modifying the PMS3DPOLY by using the option "XD "
    Holes can be managed by the TEF 2/0 = Inner slope at each change of the associated closed contour.

    The XDATA "*H=" should look like this
    :*H=D!NOMHATCH[,c=Color][,l=Layer][,t=Typeline][,s=Scale][,a=Angle],[d=Hatch distance] :

    Generation of wrapping by inserting regular symbols (INSERT)

    It is possible to place symbols (INSERT) regularly on the polyline.
    This XDATA "*I="
    can be entered when entering or modifying PMS3DPOLYs with the option "XD "
    Hole concepts can be managed by the TEF 2/0 = Inner slope at each change of the associated closed contour.

    The XDATA "*I=" should look like this
    :*I=INSERT_NAME[,c=Color][,l=Layer][,t=Typeline][,s=Scale][,a=Angle][,f=First Distance][,d=Distance Repeat][,x=Offset X][,y=Offset Y][,o=Options] :
    It is possible to put several sets of symbols by separating them with a '|'.
    Example: *I=BLOC1,c=4,s=l,f=2,d=10|BLOC2,c=1,s=l,f=7,d=10

    Modification of the Normal vector of the PMS3DPOLY (command : pms_P3DSPACE)
    As a rule, we work in top view and this vector is not defined.
    In the case of seizure of facades of building or objects in very inclined planes the
    Pms3dPoly takes a normal perpendicular to the current UCS during the seizure of the first summit.

    Thanks to this function pms_P3DSPACE, you can change this normal.

    PMS3DPOLY Altitude Processing (command: pms_PZ)
    Processing of PMS3DPOLY's heights.

    Eliminates unnecessary PMS3DPOLY arc points (command: pms_EDELPARC)
    According to Options: An unnecessary point is one that, if eliminated, the deviation between the starting polyline and the final polyline meets the tolerance.

    PMS3DPOLY smoothing (command: pms_POLYLISS)
    For all current PMS3DPOLY arcs in automatic smoothing mode.
    It is also possible to smooth the straight lines

    Color according to TEF0 or TEF1 of PMS3DPOLY (command : 'PMS_TEFCOLOR)
    Assign or color to the segments according to the TEF0 or TEF1 of the PMS3DPOLY
    :1st value (Integer) = '0' for Tefs0(Strong) or '1' for TEF1 (Weak).
    2nd value (String) = "1,2,..." = sequence of colors separated by ','. The first value corresponds to the color of TEFx=1=Mask and so on.
    When converting to Autocad Polyline2D or Polyline3D, the Colors are stored but Autocad does not display them.

    Flag/Drawing options and Proxy for PMS3DPOLY. (command: pms_DRAWFLAG)
    Flag/Drawing and Proxy options for PMS3DPOLY.
    Flag/Drawing Options and Proxy for PMS3DPOLY. (command: PMS_EXTEND)
    This function, like Autocad's (PROLONG=_EXTEND) allows you to extend elements over thresholds.
    The special feature of PMS_EXTEND is that, for PMS3DPOLYs, it is less stringent about true 3D intersections and you can choose between the Z of the extension of a PMS3DPOLY and the Z of the threshold.
    As with the basic "_EXTEND" function, SHIFT is used to adjust on thresholds.
    Autolisp functions to manipulate PMS3DPOLY