1) Generalities and general functions.

These types of Laser files are interesting in the context of Orthophoto.
PMS3D uses by default standard '.LAS' files.
If you have the Leica system, you must first export the LEICA database as an ASCII file (.pts) and then reimport the result into PMS3D.
You can transform these .LAS in .PCG=Autocad point cloud by the command "INDEXNUAGEPOINT"="_pointcloudindex" The command "NUAGEPOINT
"="_pointcloud" allows to put this file online and to fix the display parameters.

This point cloud can be displayed in STEREO.

2) Creation of the binary files '.Las'.

This '.Las' file format is standard and public.
You will find the necessary information at: http:
//www.asprs.org/society/committees/standards/lidar_exchange_format.htmlIl There is a public utility 'txt2las.exe' that you can download from the internet.

Under Autocad, Pms3d has added the functions :

Command:PMS_TXTLAS >> To import a list of point clouds (in ASCII) from another software.

The ASCII file extension defines the columns of the file.
For LEICA files, the .pts must be renamed to ".XYZIRGB" For
example the file named 'FileName.xyzsainrcupedRGB' means:


Command:PMS_LASINF >> To list the structure and content information of a '.Las' file

We get something of the form :

*****7420332 PointsVersion
:'' ; softwareId:'PMS3D'
Create Day:154 Year:2010dataFormatId
:0 dataRecordLen:20recordsCount
: 0.00010 0.00010 0.00010Offset
:1651000.00 8184000.00 0.00Lim
MAX:1651329.28 8184699.11 67.49Lim
Min:1651303.81 8184654.07 39.18*****File
:C:\TEST ETALONNAGE REFLEX\_St1032-complet.Las
*****59878385 PointsVersion

3)Use of '.Las' files in ORTHO calculation.

Simply select "Point Cloud" (SO 01) as the mesh option and click on the "LOAD MNT" (SO 02) Button.
If you select a '.xyz' file type, it will be automatically converted.
SO 01
SO 02